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Don't hesitate to contact us

Frequently Asked Questions:

Absolutely! All our templates can be customized to meet the specific needs of each company. If you need templates that don't yet exist, let us know. We're always happy to expand Ava's modules

No commitment is necessary, you can suspend your subscription anytime.

Not yet, but we're working on this feature to meet our clients' needs.

You can generate quality content in 2 to 10 seconds depending on the document's complexity.

Ava and Chat GPT are both natural language processing (NLP) systems using OpenAI's language models to generate human-like text.

Advantages of Ava HR vs Chat GPT:

  • Over 80 HR-specific writing templates for better content creation.
  • Virtual coaches specifically trained and corrected on HR issues.
  • Customizable HR content generation tailored to individual needs.
  • AVA offers User-friendly, intuitive, and enjoyable interface.
  • Extensive HR experience within the Ava HR team to maximize solution benefits.
  • No need for precise prompts for relevant results , unlike Chat GPT. , AVA did it for you.
  • Ability to adjust tone and writing style to meet expectations.
  • Soon to integrate with HR tools (ATS, HRIS).

Developed by two passionate HR professionals who understand HR challenges deeply😉