2 Women
2 HR Experts
1 Ambition

Our story is one of two passionate HR professionals. 

Through our respective careers, we each faced a harsh reality: an overload of repetitive and/or non-value-adding tasks, distancing us from the human-centric essence of our profession. 

By regularly discussing our daily challenges, we noticed a troubling phenomenon: many HR professionals shared the same experiences, with some on the brink of burnout.

Initially, we aimed to offer a service dedicated to these professionals. However, we soon realized the problem was deeper, embedded in our stressful, overloaded daily lives.

Instead of merely addressing the symptoms, we decided to tackle the problem at its root.

How could we help HR professionals find time for what truly matters? How could we restore the very essence of our profession? Could an AI paradoxically help us refocus on the Human aspect?

From these questions, AVA was born. 

Using the power of Artificial Intelligence, AVA was developed to simplify a wide range of time-consuming, non-value-adding tasks, ease daily life, and free up time to refocus on social capital.

And this is just the beginning of our adventure...

Our Values

At AVA, we are guided by a set of core values that shape our vision and daily actions:

These values are the pillars of our culture and guide all our actions at AVA. They support our ambition to positively transform HR professionals' daily lives, enabling them to refocus on the essential, the Human capital.



